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Friday, August 5, 2011

Happy Anniversary :)

Last week was my parent's anniversary. We went to Play ground and eat. Not the play ground you're thinking, it's a Cafe. :)

Dad and mum. 

Mushroom soup! Mouth watering dishes, i know you're drooling now... 

Heart-shaped mushroom! Can you do one for me too?❤ :)

Dad ordered this... I don't really like the color of the noodles. It disgust me, but i believe that it's uber tasty, that's why dad ordered it and finish them all.  

My favorite! But i forgot it's name, french something... Ish, i have a bad memory. 
Oh oh, 

For me, i ordered this prawn noodles. I expect this dish would turn out to be my favorite, who knows the soup of it was not so satisfying... And so mum exchanged her "nasi lemak" with my prawn noodles. How touching :')

Nasi lemak.
Makes me thought of "nasi lemak 2.0"

The food was nice, but still, need more improvement. :D



Meldylocks and Her Three Bears said...

I had long wonder what's being served in that cafe...thanks to u, maybe I'll try out the food there one of these days.
Nice photos...I like esp the one with water dripping on a stone.

sHeRrY said...

where's your tagboard? you put your tagboard back up again^^