It's the time of the day where we (We as in me and my third brother) decided to let our dog release some energy after a long day at home. I still remember the photos were taken after my spm that day, and i quickly changed into my casual outfit, clinging onto my dslr and went out with my third brother to the nearest field near our house. She was really excited, i was too, ready to capture some images that even i didn't think of capturing.
The weather was great, the sun is being really kind to us and glad that Heartsey get to enjoy to her heart's content. I let her roam around without leash since it's around 2pm, there's no one around for her to chase, worry free, i took out my camera and ready to capture some moments.
This is a totally normal photo of her. She is just starting to get used to the field, all calm before the storm, before she goes berserk. |
Dogs can sniff sooo much better compared to human, i need not to say, of course dogs can smell better, they can smell which dog were there, pee and all the scent that they pick up. It's weird how they can smell a patch of grass for 5 minutes without getting tired. |
Here she is, possessed by the spirit of berserk dogs. Mentality ill, she ran around in high speed, circles and not stopping, her eyes were in full red. You know full moon, like when human turning into a wolf. |
I was shocked when i saw this picture. Honestly, when i pressed the shutter, i did not know what i was getting, i did not check it too, i totally amazed myself when i saw this photo. Heartsey, all ready to charge in front in high speed. |
This photo right here, she looked like a bull who saw the red cloth. Agree or agree? |
And when she finally calmed down, she started to stare into space until we pretend to chase her and she started running like mad cow again. |
i find her chewing grass more and more nowadays. |

So the grass was really warm that day, like i said around 2pm, and the grass was obviously too soft and comfortable to resist. Not knowing the term "DIRTY" she lay flat on the floor and started rolling and scrubbing her body full power against the grass. We tried to stop her of course, i mean, she bathed and smelt really nice and now she's trying to make it all go away?!
We ran towards her and of course, dogs ran faster, they have 4 legs, so she ran to another spot, sniffed and started her rolling job again. And so we kept chasing her around the field. It was awesome experience. But tired.
There are more photos below, i'll let you guys caption it.
By the end of the day, this will be what you'll get.
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