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Monday, January 13, 2014

Christmas dinner with family.

To me, Christmas had always been the same for me. Every year we set up the christmas tree and does the same thing, basically nothing special. But this year, the FEEL is totally different. Because everyone is off to work and study, us siblings don't get to meet up much everyday. So we truly precious the time we have together, and that is by setting up the christmas tree together.

I've never had a turkey before. Mom suddenly told us that she wanted to have a christmas dinner together and this time - ordering a turkey. We were shocked. A turkey ain't cheap. It cost around hundreds. But since we only do it this once, we decided to give it a go. My brother did the job by ordering it online.

Truth is, a turkey is SO HARD TO CHEW ON. The meat is so rough and quite plain in taste. But my dad was really smart, he sliced it into slices and slices and add some ketchup and salt. It was HEAVEN! And after becoming so small, it was definitely nicer to chew on.

Of course, my mom was the woman of the dinner that night. She basically prepared everything herself with my dad beside her being the helper. There were lots of food prepared that night, and my mom thought :"why not invite more people?" So she told me to ask my friend, May to come over for dinner as well. And she too, invited her family over.

We also invited our sister from another mother, and she brought us this really amazing durian cheese cake. It taste like heaven hand made by her aunt. Her aunt make good cakes, all hand made by good quality stuff and no colouring will be added to any of her cakes. So it's really good and healthy, and very decorative too. It's our second time trying this durian cheese cake, the other time she bought it for dad during daddy's day. If you wanna know how to get these really awesome cake, feel free to contact me :D

My mom really prepared a lot of amazing food. There's so many times where i told her, "you should really open a catering service. Cook food for people." And she's like.."no"

Dad's having fun with his turkey.

Everybody busy around the table of food.

Here's my siblings. From the left Big brother, 3rd brother, 2nd brother and sister.

I asked for a cone of ice cream from them.


From the left : May, 3rd brother, sister and me.

the adults, from the left: Dad, big brother, May's mother and mom

Anyway, i truly enjoyed the time we had together. Now that i'm at Kampar (I'll blog about it soon), i really miss everything at home. But i also have some great friends here. So my dear family, If you're reading this, don't worry, i'm doing fine here and i promise i'll always contact you guys. I love you guys :)

Anna signing off.

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