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Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Doraemon expo

Doraemon fans! This might just be FOR YOU!
So at Viva Home, they have doraemon expo until March 2014 if not wrong. So for doraemon lovers, you can pay for ticket to see your amazing doraemon.

The other day my sister brought us to this expo, and i've never heard one before, so i was actually looking forward to it because i was told that you can see a lot of different doraemon in this expo. As usual, i was with my Nikon dslr.

At the entrance of the doraemon expo

Outside doraemon expo with ma bro.

the entrance is really stunning and special as it was two big doraemon-like-eyes. It marked 100th.

Going in, u can see blue, purple, green, pink and all sorts of light colours in the hallway. It was really hard to capture their faces when the light switch because i kept capturing my brother's face in blue, which makes him look a lot like avatar.
Brother with Hwee Mei sis.

Like i said, the colours kept switching, i didn't know which colour suit my face and i just captured my face in purple. Behind me is a doraemon going through time space to somewhere i guess? I'm not much of a doraemon fan, but i do watch it though which i know a little or two.

Me and sister
Going further inside, we see rows and rows and doraemon in the big hall. There's red doraemon, yellow and blue ones. It was really special i think. Each doraemon is doing a different kind of pose.

I was actually trying to make a face like the doraemon behind me.

Rows and rows and doraemon neat and tidy on the platform. 

There's even stuff like this to let you take photo of yourself with the tool the doraemon has, it's really interesting, luckily there were not much crowd, so i didn't have to wait for long until my turn.

There were these fake green grass. But it was really comfortable to stand and sit at. We kinda sit there and just slack for a bit.

This photo was actually showing the guy touching my head, like my father. HAHA

The caption said that this is a Parallela umbrella, when 2 person stand under it, they will fall in love in 5 minutes. So, do i fall in love with my brother? Yeah, i guess you could say that.

The souvenirs shop is really full of stuff. But stuff that u don't necessarily need to buy, it's souvenir after all. They have lots of stuffed toys and calendars and stuff. I got a blind fold. I needed a blind fold because i'm staying with a roommate and there might be some light issues at night, so...

Anyways, we did had lots of fun together capturing photos and memories together as siblings.


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